Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Science and Spirituality - An interesting thought

What is science? Is it just a body of facts? or is it the understanding of the existence, its nature and the purpose of it? It seems the second would be a more accurate answer. No doubt, it is a body of facts which makes sense but, it can also be defined as the body of facts that have been sensed by us, humans. Specifically speaking, physics is a branch of science which exclusively deals with the things explained above. Taking a positivist approach, today we are living in an era where much has been discovered about our existence, the dimensions in which we exist and even beyond. Starting with Sir Isaac Newton, physics was under constant renovation taking newer directions with revolutionary discoveries like the Theory of Relativity by Sir Albert Einstein, the String theory, groundbreaking work in the concept of Black holes by Stephen Hawking, Super symmetry, Quantum gravity and so on. Currently attempts were being made to define everything in a single equation using the Theory of Everything for which theories like M-Theory, Space Mixing Theory, etc., are applicants.

Although much progress was made and is being made, there is still a plethora of unsolved mysteries, unanswered questions and several paradoxes that are yet to be addressed. For example, there is a theory called 11-dimensional super gravity which argues that there are a total of 11 dimensions, the universe is made up of: two time dimensions and nine space dimensions. But what we perceive directly with our physical senses is a world which has three space dimensions and one time dimension. What the current physics is doing is indirectly trying to prove the existence of these hidden dimensions which are said to be of very small sizes and are curled up with the three dimensions which we perceive.

The question now is...is there a way in which we can perceive these hidden dimensions? Spirituality seems to have an answer to this question. The reason is, there seem to be a similarity between these concepts. In the spiritual science, there are sthula sharira, sukshma sharira and a karana sharira, the three bodies which every thing is made up of. Sthula sharira is the physical body which can be perceived by the normal senses. The sukshma sharira and the karana sharira are bodies which cannot be perceived by directly by the physical senses, but by a proper technique of rigorous yoga. Perhaps these could be the bodies of the same being in the hidden dimensions stated above. If this could be true, then everything created would have an existence in many or all of the dimensions!

Yogis in ancient India are said to have supernatural powers with which they were able to tell the future with a great accuracy. Their yogic powers could perhaps be related to their consciousness of their beings in the extra dimensional realms with which they could have actually traveled in the time dimension to the future, the past and back to the present. So in some sense, they can be treated as time travelers.

There is also a concept called moksha, which is ultimate state of super consciousness. This could be related to the theory of everything. While pursuing the path for attaining this ultimate salvation, the person who pursue this or as per the Indian spirituality, the Yogi needs to have an understanding and more importantly a feel of numerous concepts like the matter with everything is made up of, the purpose of creation and destruction, the nature of the creator, the goal of everything created, the destiny of everything. Simply putting, the yogi needs to have understood the theory of everything, the subsequent consequence of which could be attainment of powers, the so called Siddhis which include the omniscience, the ability to manipulate matter and so on. A detailed explanation regarding these concepts can be availed in the Indian spiritual texts.

With a deeper understanding of the myriad concepts of physics that were baffling the physicists all over the world in the future, there could be an explanation to the entire phenomenon stated above. Fortunately or unfortunately, there is still a long way to go. The consequences of such an understanding also would be harder to explain in the physical terminology. But, let us take an optimistic view and hope that the future would lead to the ultimate understanding of everything, which I feel, would better explain the Purpose of our existence!

Author: Yugesh Avadhanula (Special appreciations to "Yuggi" for this precious effort)


Anonymous said...

An excellent article linking science and indian spirituality. But who has that much time in this world to practise yoga to such an extent that it can grant siddhis and moksha?The Yoga that is being talked about in the article is well beyond what it is actually thought about today. But then that seems to be a very promising solution to solve the mysteries of science

Anonymous said...

Sidhi gnanam lo imidina sukhsma vishayalani chaala chakkaga vivarinchina Yugesh gaariki dhanyavadalu.